Querido lector,
Abajo incluyo el video de apenas 8 minutos, aprovechando las circunstancias de mi marcha de Annemasse (France) en la frontera con Ginebra (Switzerland) y la vuelta a Londres (UK), exactamente en East Putney, asi como el TENIS que se aproxima en el horizonte, unido a la situación social actual, al totalitarismo de algunos sistemas, como también al momento concreto más excitante, poderoso y permanente pero a la vez al límite en cierto aspecto puntual en el que está mi vida, es ahora o nunca, es decir, salir fuera y arrasar con todo para cosechar lo que merezco, si te sales de las corrientes o las voces que ha habido por el camino, no te arrepentirás en absoluto. Es un reto humano entre tu y yo, sin nadie más por el camino, sin interferenencias ni interrupciones, si a ti, jugadores/as, entrenadores/as, psicólogos/as…,en una entrega mutua sin precedentes.
Para mi esencia como ser humano, es un momento de dar un hachazo encima de la mesa sin tapujos con absoluta garantía de un camino íntegro y libre.
Dame la oportunidad, date la oportunidad, y no podrás arrepentirte, no dejarás que me marche!!!!.
Dear Reader,
Let me to attach below a short video of barely 8 minutes, where through of taking advantage about the circunstances of my departure from Annemase (France) on border line with Geneve (Switzerland) and my return to London, exactly at East Putney and even in the same way as The TENNIS is around of the corner, together with that current social situation, systems contaminated by totalitarianism behaviours as also the exciting, powerful and permanent right moment but on the same way on the limit in a puntual aspect that my own life is found right now, it is now or never, means, go straight away and make off with everything to harvest on all ingredients that I deserve. If you decide to go away from the crowded or even from all the voices through out on the way, promise you that you will never regret at all. It is just a human challenge between you and me, that’s all, without anybody on the way, means without any interferences nor interruptions neither, so yes to you, players, coaches, psychologies,…., in a mutual gift that haven’t earned unprecedents.
For my essence like human being, it is a moment to hit a punch over the table without reservations and with a tremedous garantee about getting a way fully of integrity and truth freedom.
Give me the chance, Give you the chance, and then you will never regret of this, you will not able to leave my person go away back!!!!.
Faithfully with affection,
A lover & respectful of the values and spirits of whatever sport but specially The hidden on tennis.