Dear reader, the first thing that want to leave so clear that there is not any kind of diet or whatever other stupid line of feed that any limitless minds would call that. It was and have always been a feed’s project (“Proyecto de Alimentación) that have faced against it by casual movements of the life, so when below you read the CHRONOLOGY that it keeps in a straight line then can ensure you that will put in your face a nice smile and even will make you to think about it and all its alleys in relation to bring it to your own life.
The Chronology:
1983… The year that I was born on… from I was a kid, have been developing a several critical point to everything, I didn’t have any choice because my phobia, like that have always called it, although right now, professional people describe it as HYPERSENSITIVITY (not mix with be sensible, but also I am good and sensible man), so through of years and about that produced (still does) on my body when the issue appeared on, moreover the rest of facts that draw the contexts, made me to think about aspects in the nutrition as well, or as said in SPAIN “ SER UN CHICO DESPIERTO…” Forced to do it….
2005 – 2007. When studied a GTEC on Photography, here met with some colleagues that were already eating in a different way, practically on each moment I was on silence without giving my point of view, just listening, sharing moments but neither took it seriously, however it invited me to pay more attention to much more details in parallel to my psychologic job, where I have never let any kind of dominancy, because the rhythm must be marked by oneself, in some way like that is how it must be signed on the code of the psychology and of course can spread out a good doses of common sense said on.
Here in 2005, I was working hard during 8 months, sometimes on group, other on private with a trainer’s dog (I used to have a Labrador Retriever), but faster we moved it on private, because he observed the way that I paid attention and also as I respected his job a lot, so his enthusiasm to teach/advise me was unconditional, sometimes in an altruist way, so were experimenting through of the park with different groups or individual person who we chose in a random way, the experience were honestly brutal, observed every detail both human and canine in a huge depth in every area of the process.
Well, before to get in, during the time that the interaction took on and after of a brief sharpest reading from the whole contest we were who finished the meeting to avoid predictable consequences and also after he made for my person a summary, lesson that applied straight away on the next target but that already was for the rest of my life, but you know, dear reader, the psychological’s behaviours that showed us, that both the owners as the dogs, are not really too different (similar to a parents – their kids, where all the area sensorial that rounds to the baby is going be a high influence to the develop of the temperament, traits (rasgos), charisma and self-esteem of that baby) but even also that experience made me to think about the nutrition and even its relation with my childhood (hypersensitivity and its different issues lived with).
* My diary breakfast. It has everything that have seen on the headline picture, below on Conclusion section, specific each ingredient on that, all mix inside of a natural coconut bowl, that elevates the intensity of the feelings that you get in.
2006. Summer in LONDON. Live that two months with a British family, so had their rules which didn’t let me to interact and had to make everything alone, the dinner was the typical junk food that every evening had ready for me, so simple through of the microwave, so it meant that breakfast, lunch time and breaks during my English lessons times were on my own charger, even the dinner if I wasn’t going home at that time, so it was obvious that many of the times I didn’t go there, basically the dinner was too earlier, and then when arrived at home, I found it on table, cooked from hours ago, it was always the same three ingredients. Anyway, It was a humble lesson and started to value the things from other side much more deeper although already did that, but was the first time that I was away of home, nevertheless that had that management my own PHOBIA outside of my comfort for first time on my life, that involved to the nutrition as well. FIRST BUMP!!!
2008-2009. First time that I went to LONDON to live for a long period, it was spent in the 90% living in different hostels between Bayswater and Notting Hill in relation to the viability of the beds, I was jumping from one to other, meant that didn’t have a properly kitchen, that was proving myself many junk food, testing your body to a place that would never recommend you to go in at all; that other 5% was in a shared room and house, there sometimes tested some other cultural foods, specially Chinese food, Italian, Brazilian…etc.. and long and very tough hours working as Kitchen Porter (didn’t have food, it was nice to see myself forced on it), but on all cases there was other special ingredient the psychology, you wan’t or don’t want, took a great influence in the whole process.
2011 – 2012. My ex-Girlfriend. The last one girlfriend that have had till nowadays, on that case multiples experiences lived on different environments, that in her case, some of them came from that types of relations that no one must have to live in, and even she had migraines, on that point, I can say you dear reader, that the influence of type of NUTRITION that you are delivering to your body is basic which on that point I could observe with a wide clarity the effects to both corners, but insist as to everything issue that have to live in our lives, all depends of the attitude, aptitude and will that have to take responsibilities of ours acts or facts and attack the hot point of the issue that is creating an uncomfortable feeling to us.
However, dear reader, if there was anything that marks a milestone was as so important is develop a several psychology job converting that in a MASTER KEY that got to relativize the issue to the minimum impact possible, so that have been able to help her a little bit about it, made me feel so proud, after the rest didn’t depend of me, even could talk on that case as well about the interaction between the psychology of the dogs and the humans (owners), that in some way could place many senses and other psychologies issues in other level…and she appreciated everything I did a lot, she didn’t need to appreciate it, but she did. It was other fact that relativised my way to eat and the respond of the body on.
*Kombucha ginger, my favourite flavour, one or two sips meanly at night. Love it!.
2013. My huge click on my personal development. Here my personal life changed forever. The brain is muscle and as itself, although sounds repetitive, a good psychological job, as the job in a tennis court or gym, need of a phases, it will depend of many circumstances where many of them are uncontrollable, here on that year, I had the last one, after of it and through of a couple of months where could book that the things could take its spaces, at the end of year, I came back to london, in a first instant was focused to be a sport photographer…but through of the time I was opening step by step to where really want to go in.
Again, I am at London, it meant to spend a severe time again on hostels, after in some share houses, through of cultures as the french, Italian, african,….etc.., so when you went to the share kitchen, it was a wide world of smells and tastes, but also a clear reflect from the own psychological states that everyone had on that moment, so was really important to listen to my body, and started to make a lot of questions, see as it could be of addictive or their respond as in the long hours of work or during the practice of the sports
2014 – 2016. Keeping my life at London during the first 6 months, and through of the high rhythm that demand you a job like runner in a sports-disco-pub, journeys that could be of 15h on maximum speed, so practically didn’t have time eat, but neither I wanted to interrupt of the rhythm, and even less by eating a simple burger, so previously to the job, ate some fruit or bars, or even started flavours drinks,…(after when arrived at home ate some of boiler rice), but started to play with it, observing as the peaks of performance was acting on, as it affected all my system, basically for my phobia, need to go out many times to breath in and get free of noise on my ears, reducing the impact, it was a nice challenge and an experience that I have never lived it like teenager.
After that, I was two months on reflection in Spain, were really tough, but after that on September of the year 2014, came back to LONDON, here started my definitive fighting to work and be a great reference on the tennis world… searched small clubs and after go step by step building the way up, however just the Tennis Queen’s Club, called me, anyway on that period I was living at different hostels, a Spanish house (catholic fathers), on the street (a night in the living room of the club), after in other hostels and some share houses at the end (landladies in).
So on the Spanish house, and the four share houses, there was very strict rules in relation to the Kitchen, of course that I was completely aware that all the owners had serious psychological issues, but felt a big human responsibility, so thought that could help them, in a first moment it was like that, but after there were other plenty factors, included humans that are not aware at all, and that you can’t control, but at least left all the houses with beauty words to my person, but about all brought inside of my pocket, different types of big inner lessons, between them the nutrition as well, as was forced to cook/eat/drink in a different way while in the same time you have to retire from my feed a several types of products, basically was for a question about expired times and the way where could storage it.
In other words, dear reader, I couldn’t cook fried, nor have anything with strong smell like fish or some types of meats,…etc, even couldn’t have nothing with lactosa, as it was dangerous to keep fresh, so started to prove other products, meant that among of I felt completely compelled to don’t eat some products and the own correlative fact that had to begin to eat others products that at then, in some way were really more healthier, pushed me to listen much more my body, gain an higher level of conscious and see as it was responding brutally well in according to as it was before. My surprise was so clear that from then haven’t wanted to leave from it, and started to investigate or read more about it, seeking more respond to my questions.
*Also on that period at the kitchen of the Tennis Queen’s club had some issues, so went downstairs started to chose in a different way that I was going to eat.
2017-2018. End of January, came back to Madrid, Spain, spent a few weeks at Mallorca observing, learning details from a friend and others humans from the Balear Tennis Federation, also were in Barcelona other few weeks with top professional coaches grabbing few things; well between both cases when was in Madrid, I requested an appointment with my physio, however this time, said me, that it wouldn’t be being developed in the same place than usual is taken on (Majadahonda), said me to go another in the next town (Las Rozas), then when arrived, over the reception saw a business card of a NUTRITIONIST that called me a lot the attention, basically wasn’t the traditional one (coldest), that was really simple, but authentic in the communication, so said myself gave that a chance to her.
So, it was I did, the center was in Torredolones, a little bit to the west from other two towns named before, but a city that when I was kid jumped on me for an ex-friend of my childhood, the death for a bull and a family were an example of overcoming that taught me a lot when I was kid, so I couldn’t believe that was to come back to Torredolones again, many emotions were coming to me as I didn’t have an ordinary childhood…; anyway, from the first moment that opened the door, realised that I was in the right place, but when started to open the mouth, showing out a level of knowledge and security so big, the doubts were over as also was aware that would be raising a lot in her career, means that would give a jump in unlimited states of action. It was like that!! I was RIGHT!!!, but think that was falling short!!!.
On that year, as I was beginning with her we had different sessions through of less range’s time, because obviously had to explore different details, between all that small things, I had a cleanse the stomach and a digestive endoscopy digestive with a small biopsy from that, so it gave that had a strong acid reflux but also watched that there was the Helicobacter pylori and anisakis, after I made some allergy test where the results gave negatives, however I had intolerance to the citrus products, that for whatever reason eat or smell any kind of citrus that was close on me, made me cough quite strong on.
*That two years, I was training so hard, 4-5 hours of tennis, plus 1h of gym and 1h swimming, so focused to be strongest ever. A great inversion of money, time and sacrifices that today have paid off at least on my brutal level of game that I am developing and also about deep knowledge to transmit to others, which hope soon can help a lot on Labour area and can COLLECT that I deserve.
*Tempeh, carrots and handmade Hummus (chickpeas, garlic, Pimentón De la Vera and water).
2019 – 2023. On my coming back to London, again living in a few hostels, after in some shared houses, even slept on the street few nights, or in a storage hotel room,..etc. also working in Hospitality (five and four stars hotels, restaurants..), means to be closest of plenty stimulus again, humans and materials for equal proportions, which you observe an ocean of details from a psychological point of view; remind you as well during that years, had to live with the period of the Politician-Pandemic, which a part of that time I was in the borderline between France and Switzerland, close to Geneve (loved that city and its rhythm of life), in the french town of ANNEMASSE, here must make a short pause.
Well, although we mustn’t give general opinions nor focusing that about an unique point, but if must refresh a point that my feeling or better said my objective perception interpret it on that way, talking frankly, feel that strict period make that the stimulus were more narrow, stick each other, painting over the society as in an individual as group way as well, on that case about nutrition that is the matter that we are talking, for example, was just multiplied for eight the simple fact to eat anything just for eating, so means to be something more emotional (anxiety, excess of management of information,….other pathologies) that eat willingly for any clear physical reason, think that is spiking more than before of that period came us on (maybe, the same with the drugs, I think so).
Anyway, after to be exposed a lot of times to that type of issues, as in the share houses as for the type of job that was developing on, or even for everything that was able to observe walking for the streets, and still have to say not thank you!, or just resist watching as all the group make the same thing, then began to close longer my stomach so well, beginning to make longer fasting times to don’t feel on my body that issues and also because felt my body so well, at the end listened and still listen expressions like “ I can’t do what you are doing “ “I don’t know as you are able to do that ” “ how you can resist like that…” etc….. or even suffered some mocking issues in relation to that, because one is fine, two is right, but in the third time is isn’t, like said in english, it is fair enough!!!. Knew my body in terms of physical reactions more deeper, because if we talk on psychological terms, is other story, but of course are in relation each other, during that years gave a step more and stopped to eat Salmon and the Spanish ham, that was the last things that still ate to date, leaving just the eggs as unique product from animal origin that still I eat it in its different options.
As curious story will say that even during that period changed my way to sleep, a little bit forced for the shared houses, so I am sleeping literally on the floor, it is not just so good for my hernias, pain free, if not even that through of the circulation help a lot that digestive transition is going to be different, but here is time to come back to the point that have been 40 years living on my own skin, the BRAIN, as small facts can evolution through of the time in bigger issues, as on my case I have to manage forever with an untypical HYPERSENSITIVITY in.
*On conclusion of that last years and the previous one, but on special that last last 4 years, think that have marked out an time before and after that is nothing good in relation to terms of nutrition or better say on the way that we are eating right now. Explained it on the next and last session.
*The snack bar, love to eat and my favourite flavour, coconut, softer, healthy and energetic.
Therefore, all of that small things in addiction to everything that have gone explaining above, were doing that my consciousness to that big subject called Nutrition was doing bigger and bigger, because even saw as the body is super ligther, faster and the most important thing, full of agility as physically as emotionally – psychologically, that last one, is an area that insist and repeat one more time from was a baby is literally on my skin, have to expose to the most stress difficulties that promise you, dear reader no one can imagine on their own minds.
For that reason always insist that the functions that one can reach to develop must always depend of the own competences that oneself have been willing to bring out, but we live in a society full of fears and lies, and it push them to eat more and more without needing it in, spiking many issues that pretend to show as something ordinary but there are not health at all (overweights, anorexia…anxieties, depressions, psychotics process…), and when the pain comes to the body, we never seek and working about the cognitive and conductual aspects that also influence as in the appearing of that issues as in our peaks of performance if we are talking about sports on.
SPECIFICATIONS of my feeding:
- I have never drink coffee on my life. I have never drunk it nor needed it to active my body, just have to play with temperature/breathing of the body – skin, mean to be fresh. Lately when I have been working, people saw me in shorts and t-shirt on very lower temperature, simply was is a way to familiar the body with it, without interferences on. (MY HYPERSENSITIVITY, had influence on that..below said something more about it…)
- I never drink alcohol, remind to do that once when I was 18 years old on my small hamlet, but after that didn’t make it anymore, don’t need it to feel free or have any fun around, but also never liked the flavour of that types of “drinks”, and remind you that have said before, as have acid reflux, so think that my body knew it perfectly, lololol…
- From 2013 I stopped to drink carbonate and sugar drinks, like coke, Fanta, Aquarius (it was typical on my country that if you were sick, had a can of that)….etc.. and of course have never drunk any energising drinks, also removed out from my line of nutrition, all type of lactose food, cheese (I was fun from the more hardest and intense cheese), diary milk,…etc… on special the milk’s case, really that last thing had a intense connotation on MY HYPERSENSITIVITY (remind a lot scenes about it when was kid and wasn’t helpful, vomiting it).
- Also from 2018, stopped to eat everything that had WHEAT, the PASTA included as well, exchanged it for Spelt, buckwheat,…etc…., honestly I haven’t been a great lover of the Pasta, in fact I am a super fan of the RICE, LOVED THE RICE, maybe when you are poor and live in share houses, is the cheapest food and take that habit because don’t have any other choice on that moments.
- The White. Everything that was white colour, sugar, rice,….except the COCONUT, LOVE SO MUCH THE COCONUT, lolol…. was left outside of my line of eating as well.
- The Sweets, I was a great lover of the sweets, in special with the cookies “Maria”, croissants, Palmers, donuts, cakes, muffins,….. in fact that more loved was a natural egg small muffins “Magdalenas in Spain” that used to do on my small hamlet, but it already disappeared, although if go for there area, sometimes take a small dessert that is called “Torta de Anís¨ (although has animal origin)…. but even in that Segoviana’s land, if loved to eat other dessert called “Ponche Segoviano”, said in other words, that can be my small sins but so weird that eat right now, in fact from a long time ago my uniques sweets products are the CARROTS (in fact don’t give it to the rabbit as usual food, just with a reward, have great level of sugar that quench us easily), BANANAS, sporadically dates and some other dried fruit. About dark chocolate have already been 4 months without eat that, before a small ounce every night or each two nights of space on.
- The Superfoods, so the headline picture of that article, though it is so clear, nothing to explain, everything of that is going together in a bowl every morning, sometimes can be a snack between hours, everything in relation to the energy wasted on. Products: Oat, coconut milk, ashwaganda, camu camu, maca, acai, chorella, spirulina, moringa, baobab, hibicus, 100% pure cacao, goji, psyllium, pea protein, vegan protein, xilitol (but I am not always use it on, similar to the sugar) chia, Cinnamon Powder (loved it) desiccated coconut (loved it as well), sesame seeds, flax seeds, nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflowers seeds, blackberries and many times raspberries as well.
As you have been able to read dear reader, everything have been nature and softer experiences that have gone step by step to push my person to the game of proof and mistake, and that went to explore every corner of those was happening on, so simple!, means that here, there are not any kind of diet or order strict imposition to oneself, all have gone working in relation to the needs that each moment was requesting me and of course remind you one more time, MY HYPERSENSITIVITY had a lot to say here, but also has to say a lot to the SCIENCE, in psychological terms and the unusual power of resilience that offered to every step on, so I am not request you to understand it, simple that make the effort to listen and learn about it and even also let me to learn about you.
” Erasing all the labels, make a lot of damage, we don’t need to express that if I am vegetarian, vegan or whatever other,… everything is about COMMON SENSE, and a lot of psychological self-listening, bring your emotional feelings to other level.”
* MY HYPERSENSITIVIY. Is focused to the material clothes which must be so specific about the type of material to use on, even can’t use heavier clothes on, need that it can be softer and lighter on, but about all the most affection comes from the strongest noises or not lineal noises, like for example, all kind of Pyrotechnics, storms, or longest noises on long time period,… when was a baby, it had (still a little bit) a huge influence in the nervous system, vascular system, circulation system, breathing system, and of course on the digestive system as well.
However, I was aware a lot about it, so on purpose, I slow down each action, even the moment that ate anything, so listened expressions like “ You are the last one for everything,..” on sports, “ You are falling behind….”… on that periods I couldn’t push, needed to balance everything on, because my issues just happened on SOCIAL MOMENTS.….so that social fact forced me to push a lot my inner as survive method to develop in an usual way the use of my five senses which are so sharpest, means that has handicaps and big benefits as have explained other times, on Tennis together all my game, technique and knowledge is seriously something to take advantage about on. (A great advantage to our opponent if I am in your Team!)
” You need to eat that you waste, nor more of that nor less of that, exactly that point in ”
*Handmade Nutella. Pure Cacao, desiccated coconut, extract of vanilla and bake hazelnuts.
Listen, dear reader, in a way to finish that long article, don’t want to forgot about some small details that have been able to observe in the players, that even in some case have proved and sincerely it spikes the blood level of sugar, the peaks of performance while in the same time create a hight inner alteration, basically pay attention to the psychological reactions and as it after is reflected in absolute clarity on the tennis court.
But honestly I leave that subject to my nutritionist Elisa Blazquez, but in terms of psychology and influence in the technical of the tennis, I must show my concern about it, because observe episodes of anxiety, muscles apprehensions, lost of coordination, fatigues through of peaks absolutely unbalance,….etc…. but it is not a question of the level of abuse about that type of foods, bagels, some type of bars, peanut butter,….etc… is the level of addiction that it is creating and as influence in the transference of the brain’s information (interfered, blocked) to rest of the body, also brutal variability energetic that is created on, and the level of attachment about it, prejudice seriously the peaks of performance, guess that in terms more deeper of health as well if talk from a psychologic point of view.
And about that last paragraph wan to add a small detail more, because is the same thing when are feeling some type of pain or draw the pain in our body, the nutrition is a great complement, but the main ingredient is inside of us, is OUR BRAIN, so doesn’t matter that could eat all that, that if I am not offering nothing from my side, then nothing would be happening on, recognise where are our brain, understand the type of responsibility that will demand us on each instant, is something basic that will justify or don’t our levels of fatigue but said in other way, where and how can work to elevate our levels of pacing to get an maximisation respond of our body, detail that will help after to our physical job, but sadly that is not happing, as are blocking that path, through of moving in the shorter way, seeking external complements, if it is the sport to the limit to be doping, just to reduce on many cases an imaginary fatigue and seek force a muscle work while our brain is left behind, usually in a paralysed state in or limit action of movement, when to be honest can place in a wide area of action, but know it, must are living a lot it on your skin and seek a sharp sense of the action on ( Brain – Sensorial communication).
“ In civil people an clear habit is eat drugs like aspirins for each small issue….etc…, an brain interference that get free of an issue faster than it should be on “
” In the small details is the difference between being so good and getting to be really a super star, so also means to live from inertia or live from the real points of growing on “
” The famous timing that is called like that on Tennis, could have a lot feeling on all of that, as about physical as emotional influence in “