Dear reader, I want to do something in according about very few things that have been able to watch at the end of my long journeys between my two jobs (Jornadas Maratonianas), although soon that the situation can do so practical to be where deserve to be on, said that because need to insist about my own personal honestity to talk just about that have watched on.

Well, must start for the end, means to talk about Pablo Carreño Busta, honestly must come back to the lockdown period, when I don´t remind if it was in a congress from some of the regional federations (FTM) or others, but remind perfectly all the context while he was in his home at Barcelona, so I said myself, wow that guy is going to leave from here so much strong for sure, when I commented that for whatsapp to some people, they didn´t believe on me, and although has had some ups and downs, think that his own line was kept without getting that the peaks was desoriented.

Today on the first Set, could feel that Pablo with a breathing so high but in the same time was looking forward to get it, think that the position on the rest wasn´t good lost time of reaction, even on reflects can gain more faster time on, and about other shots to bring more the ball on. In the other side Hubert began with a lot of determination, Bang!, but it is ego, although some moments looks like that could grab to Pablo, was by himself who plunged in his own game, a emotional waste, but that Pablo took well to move the domino in a way where his legs loaded with a emotional weight on.  The reactions of each one in their respectives bench was so clear on.

Will it be enough to impulsse Pablo to a Grand Slam final?, the patience, times of reaction, relfects, some positions that avoid to keep closed,… will be need to improve if want to beat humans like Rafa, Novak, Nick, Danii,… think that now that the coaches come in to the game, when more interference get, it will worst as lost the consistency and the intention to flow on.


Felix Auger Aliassime, to be honest with you, simple go to my website and read the article that wrote the last year during the MonteCarlo’s Tournament, when barely have taken a couples of week of collaboration with his supercoach, sincerely hate when the human being play with the mental health from others without getting in other stories, adverted about it, the dangerous could be the chronic habit……and with all new youngers, men and women were watching that the emotional bubble that are traveling on, make on them to move in situations that don´t know where they are, think tha there is not transparency while mix up a lot of concepts, where the rythms as mental as physical are not the same, so it is not option to call that “SOLID”….


Karolina Pliskova, after to watch few moments on different matches, sincerely from my point of view is the clear favourite to the USOPEN, but must hide more her shots and about all to gain about spaces that are less clears that let to the opponent don´t give other chance to attack on, but without forgetting about small physiological issue with postions too tighten up that at then had small consequences on.

Beatriz haddad maia and Maria Shakari, sometimes ways full of self – deception while there is a null self-criticism where gain on consciousness, will a week effective and consistent, but the physical can´t cover that, if the head is left behind, a good crash against the ego, for example the point of impact between the Pliskova’s match and Halpe’s Match were as the distance between the water and the sun, means there wasn´t relation at all… spaces with the ball and choices…

About British players, in relation to the women couldn´t see any, but anyway could have a clear idea, some played challengers at Usa, others in Canada, but honestly my way to watch the things is not about to win or lost independently if it is a match or a championship, because at the end, I can guess that have the same goal recorded in their mind, so the hide details must be clear to get out the circle and get move in ohter rounds with the frequency that must be perfectly on, but about all let that mind keep a healthy way, because go up, then grab a self-deception and after to come back on the same way that is well-known and even lonely without getting someone that can place maps are not like usual, it is not a easy taks to find on, basically to listen outside of thoses thoughst / beliefs that wish to listen in an unsconscious way on.

In relation to the men, I could see a little bit of Andy Murray, Cameron Norrie, Jack Draper and Dan Evans. Sincerely, just I am going to say some detail of everyone, but that will make difference on,

Andy Murray, must calm on emotional terms, but in techniques aspects, think that must grab the ball earlier, a way to save energy, keep consistency and make more damage the opponent, to don´t lost space back as happen with Taylor many times on.

Cameron Norrie, sincerely to keep more the position of body, but about all in his forehand don´t wrap the ball (no envolver tanto la bola decimos en España), means loose more time the racket ahead, keep and go over it, think that must do it if want to face with fires’s arms to players like Novak, Rafa,…etc..

Jack Draper,  mustn´t be in a rush, have some character that remind me to Andy Roddick,  so all that crash of shots will get a double game, think that must find his identity on court. About techniques, the backhand to hold up a little bit more, and about the forehand, spsecially on stuck position, hold more the point impact and transfer the weight more, that forehand is much less powerful that his forehand on motion, there is a huge difference between one and other.

Dan Evans.  Has that I call through to the target (Tiro al muñeco), what do I mean with that?, well, that has an fix vision in, so everything that is moving on that, make him play in a so clever way, however when have to go out from that, the spaces keep behind as if were ignoring that, so for habit have to repeat in a accelerated way the same process, so give too much options to the opponent becasue create a narrow court. if he start to open it, his roof will be still unpredectible on.

Probably have forgot a lot of names, details,…etc…. hope can bring back to the tennis everything that have given me and also to the Britains the persoal growth that have given me to apply inmediatly everything was learning about my personal development.

Remind, ” The last point of a match is always a super sharp reference about as the match was working on, it is not going to failure on to show that truth reality on “.

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